Earlier this year the Association received a generous donation from allotment holder Chris Dorkes of St James’ Place which allowed us to purchase a new, larger trading hut. This new hut is much larger and more secure than the old one, and should last us well into the future. John and Margaret Keating have worked hard to get the interior fitted out and stocked with a range of goods for members to purchase.
On 1st July, members of the Allotment Association gathered for the official handover of our new trading hut and to thank Chris and his wife Claire for their generosity. At the ceremony, Chris expressed his support for our community of allotment holders, and gave us an insight into his business. Members interested in finding out more about his expertise in pensions, inheritance planning and all aspects of wealth management are encouraged to contact Chris or Claire. Information leaflets are available on our notice boards, and from Chris’s plot (54). For more details, members can also browse Chris’s company website www.chrisdorkes.co.uk.