Meet the Committee

Dave Bolton
Chair, plot 14

Alan Booth
Vice Chair, plot 13F

Lyn Barwick
Treasurer, plot 19

Roy Potter
Honorary Vice President
plot 56

Anthony Glenn
Secretary, plot 45

Gregor Rauch
Allocations, plot 38

John Keating
Trading, plot 88

Marg Keating
Trading, plot 86

Lynn Gent
plot 69

Darren Gent
plot 69

Jean Nunn
plot 40
The current committee for 2024
Chair – Dave Bolton (plot 14)
Vice Chair - Alan Booth (plot 13F)
Secretary - Anthony Glenn (plot 45)
Treasurer - Lyn Barwick (plot 19)
Trading Officer - John Keating (plot 88)
Allocations Officer - Gregor Rauch (plot 38)
Other Members -
Margaret Keating (plot 86), Jean Nunn (plot 40), Lynn Gent (plot 69), Darren Gent (plot 69)
Hon. Vice-President - Roy Potter (plot 56)
President – Unelected

Committee Meetings
Committee meetings are held on the second Monday of every month via video call.
Meetings commence at 7.30 pm and are generally finished by 9.00 pm; anyone is welcome to join the meeting.
At each meeting, the minutes from the previous meeting are reviewed and agreed and signed by the Chair before circulation to members. These are then posted on allotment notice boards or on Facebook for downloading.