Advance Notice – AGM and Rents

Dear Allotment Holders and Members of the Association,

Please be advised of the following dates and notes for the diary.


The Annual General Meeting of the Association, will be held on Sunday 12th January 2025 commencing at 11:00hrs. We have booked a room at Rumbletums café in Kimberley to hold the meeting and we hope that many of you will join us in person.

Anticipating that this may not be practical for all, we are endeavoring to provide the option to join the meeting online, details for which we will circulate nearer the time.

To help us with planning this meeting please let us know if you plan to attend and if this will be in person or online.

The AGM provides members;

·        The opportunity to elect the Officers of the committee for the coming year. Nominations for new committee members are always encouraged as we welcome new ideas. If you think you could be interested in helping to manage the Association for the benefit of all members, please consider putting your name forward, either in advance of the AGM or on the day. 

·        The opportunity for Members to propose necessary revisions to the Terms of Tenancy or Changes to the Rules of the association. Proposals should be made to the Committee by 29 December 2024 after which they will be displayed on the Allotment Notice Boards at least 7 days before the AGM and added to the AGM agenda.

Proposals will not be taken on the day of the AGM

You can either e-mail the Committee at or give your written nomination or proposal to a Committee member. in each instance (Committee Member Nomination or Proposal), your submission will need to be seconded by another member. 

During the AGM, your nomination or proposal will be put to a members vote and if there is sufficient support, the nomination or proposal will be carried.

It should be noted that it is one plot one vote.

If you have any questions about the AGM or would like to discuss joining the committee to help run the Association, please contact a member of the committee.

Subject to members feedback, formal notice of the AGM will be sent out during the first week of January 2025.


Allotment rents and membership fees are due for payment from 1st January 2025. Each Plot Holder will receive notice in advance of this date detailing monies due.

RENTS are £25 for a full plot and £12.50 for a half plot.

Membership subscriptions are £5 a year.

If you are over 70 years old and have been a member for over 10 years you will not be expected to pay a membership fee.

If you are over 80 years old and have been a member for over 10 years you will pay half rent.

Please claim reductions upon payment.

PAYMENT METHODS (in all cases, please reference your payment with your name and plot number):

BACS payment at TSB Sort Code 77 22 24 Account No 0000 0958 Pay Pal (to access this go to

In closing, the Committee would like to wish all members a safe and healthy Christmas and a productive growing season in 2025.